To say that Leif is a big Harry Potter fan would be an understatement.

When not designing in the Muggle world, he collects Harry Potter books in various editions, movie replicas (particularly character wands and broomsticks); and designs his own wizarding cosplay that he has debuted in Wizarding World premiere events. He uses his artistic and design skills in the creation of magical aesthetics. His magical creations has been featured on the main Wizarding World social media handle, Cursed Child social media feeds of the Broadway, San Francisco and Hamburg productions, and have been shared by J.K. Rowling herself.

@wizardingworldtreasures is his magical handle.

J.K. Rowling sharing my designed costumes worn at various Harry Potter events.

Love & friendship 💛#CursedChildSF may be just beginning, but the story began long ago. What does Harry Potter mean to you?
Alohomora! Harry Potter and the Cursed Child is officially open in San Francisco. Watch all the highlights from Opening Night at the Curran Theatre, as the a...

"Coming back and being in a theatre after so long, it feels almost more magical than it did the first time."

Leif featured on the official website of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, San Francisco Gallery.

Leif featured on the official website of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, San Francisco Gallery.